GCC Talent Programs

Enhancing Nationalization Initiatives

Designed to enhance the skills and capabilities of individuals from GCC countries. By offering tailored training programs, organizations aim to empower GCC nationals to excel their roles, contribute to the growth of their organizations, and support development in their countries. These programs are targeted to scholarship students, succession candidates, and emerging leaders.

Built on the Career Capital Theory and adapted to the GCC region

Building Career Capital – GCC Talent

Enhancing GCC Nationals Skills

Built on the Career Capital Theory and adapted to the GCC region, this group coaching exercise focuses on creating intentional careers. The program is designed specifically for those seeking to make positive steps in their career by developing themselves and understanding what it takes to move to the next level. Participants will learn how to take ownership of their Development & Career and how to apply it to their current roles and be prepared for the future.

We develop bespoke solutions for: